Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Snowbird and the Niger Seed

After the heavy snow, we had a lively morning at the birdfeeder.Around 9AM I heard a commotion and many chirps and tweets ā€“ the gang had arrived and were flying around my deck, calling to each other, and tasting all the goodies Iā€™d left out ā€“ black oil sunflower seeds, a few raisins, blueberries and a new treat, Niger seeds in a dish.
The plump little snowbirds, normally rather non-aggressive,stood on tiptoe to peer into the white bowl with the seed, then perched on top of the edge for a while looking down then leaned down and took a few seeds out, finally, went right into the Niger seed dish and perched in the middle of all the seeds as if they were a nest!! More antics occurred as they also inspected the sides of the dishes, leaning way down and sticking their little feet up in the air as they explored. I had never seen them stand on
tiptoe nor imagined their legs could be so long.

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Beautiful Mandarin, Trumpeter Swan and Barrows Goldeneye

Good morning, here are 3 more beautiful waterbirds from our exhibit, Waterbirds In Love, at the Connecticut Audubon Society in Pomfret ! ...