Sunday, March 5, 2017

Won't You Take Our Picture?

Hello we are Sherman & Sheila and live on Hanover Pond in Connecticut. Don't you think we are a handsome couple? so we heard today there was a blog hop from a promising group called Cat On My Head, open to (and we quote) "ALL CRITTERS" of which we are two. So we posed for this rare selfie (encouraged by a human who owns two cats named Peaches & Paprika). (Who would choose such weird names?) Taking these cat people at their word that they welcome "introoders" we are testing this out! 

Beautiful Mandarin, Trumpeter Swan and Barrows Goldeneye

Good morning, here are 3 more beautiful waterbirds from our exhibit, Waterbirds In Love, at the Connecticut Audubon Society in Pomfret ! ...