Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stuffed after Christmas Dinner

I realize if I wait much longer to add to my blog it will be 2011 so I better act quick!
White-throated sparrow
I had Christmas dinner with some lovely friends and am really stuffed. So I have included a totally fat white-throated sparrow who illustrates my condition exactly! How huge these little birds become in winter. It's a protective pattern which insulates them from the cold. I think of it as having had some darn good dinners.


  1. I surely can identify with that stuffed feeling! Great photo; I love your blog and I am sure you will enjoy creating it as much as I do mine!

  2. I love this blog. I feel like you know what these birds are thinking.
    And the photos are amazing.


Beautiful Mandarin, Trumpeter Swan and Barrows Goldeneye

Good morning, here are 3 more beautiful waterbirds from our exhibit, Waterbirds In Love, at the Connecticut Audubon Society in Pomfret ! ...