Today I arrived
shortly before dawn. There was a chill still in the air; a coat and warm shoes
were needed.
When I entered the
pond this morning the more colorful of the ducks - the Ring Teal, Baikal Teal
and Mandarin had taken center stage.

Ring Teals seemed to be lovingly touching beaks while perched on a wood box (Did I interrupt something?) while a Baikal Teal
drake and his hen had a cozy one-on-one on the “bridge” exchanging Soulful
glances. Their beautiful intricate green
and black patterned heads and spikey maroon and white feathers were
particularly vivid this morning. One female, interested in a liaison, was seen to be flying toward her mate who eventually left the box and moved to the edge of
the pond.
Meanwhile, the Mandarins, though quiet in
sound level were quite ready to “go at it” as soon as dawn broke. A drake was first of all seen inspecting his
own purple, orange and white feathers while the female watched with
interest. Little by little the Mandarin drakes edged around a female who had no
objection! Soon the inevitable occurred
with the popular female being courted by two males at once! After it was all finished both were jubilant,
splashing in the water, and spreading their wings with radiant demeanor.
Silver Teals with beautiful almost monochromatic stripes and bright blue bills
dragging behind the others in courtship progression. The female was busy hiding behind a post
while the male made an impassioned quacking display
to get her to come out (she did not and retreated further behind the post!)
eyes shifted to the baikal teals ago who were having a brief face-off on the bridge. Two
females hung out at the sides while he drakes with their magnificently
patterned green black and white faces eyed each other intently. Were they
working out selection details? “I’d like
the one on the right” I imagined him saying.
wish I had had three cameras since as all this was going on, the cinnamon teals
floating in the water and facing each other started a rhythmic bobbling of
their heads, possibly indicating a n upcoming liason. As the synchronize
d nodding and bobbing of
heads gathered momentum, I was hard-pressed
to make a decision as to what to watch.
the Rosy-bill Drake, with vivid scarlet beak and black and grey plumage busied
himself with endless and elegant displays of different wing positioning for a
potential audience. These postures did not go
unnoticed as afterwards the female rosybill went flying through thewater
toward the male, doing a few wingspread of her own along the way.
After these
whirlwind “displays” both birds turned toward each other as well as toward my
camera, facing me directly as if to say, “So what do you think?”
nothing further seemed to be happening with the Cinnamon Teals who were taking
a short break from each other, my attention shifted to the endearing somewhat
whimsical black and green Chiloen
Widgets who actually were "Bill
to Bill”. They nestled closely together in the water, nodding
their heads rhythmically as if to agreeing “Yes, this is the
time.” Loud notes of quacking and assent came from
them as shortly thereafter they swum
away together, presumably to find a more quiet corner of the pond.
I was sorry to
leave at 8am, as the sun ten minutes earlier had broken through all the clouds
and the birds were obviously gearing up to still greater frolicking. But I did have to go to my “other job!”
after I look through my photos on a day like this I find one or two that makes
me feel hushed and reverent, tears almost coming to my eyes at the totally innocent beauty of these animals and
the energy they bring to their life in the pond on this not quite warm spring
day. The photo of the female Mandarin spreading her wings exuberantly
after courtship made me feel this way when I saw it after I’d left the pond.